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Day 1


Day 2

Spiritual Blessings in Christ

Day 3

Redemption Through His Blood

Day 4

Sealed with the Holy Spirit

Day 5

Paul’s Prayer for Spiritual Wisdom

Day 6

The Hope of His Calling

Day 7

Christ’s Authority Over All Things

Day 8

From Death to Life

Day 9

God’s Rich Mercy and Grace

Day 10

Saved by Grace Through Faith

Day 11

Reconciled in Christ

Day 12

Christ, Our Peace

Day 13

Access to the Father

Day 14

Citizens of God’s Household

Day 15

Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles

Day 16

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

Day 17

God’s Eternal Purpose

Day 18

Paul’s Prayer for the Ephesians

Day 19

Strengthened with Power

Day 20

The Love of Christ

Day 21

Doxology: Glory to God

Day 22

Unity in the Spirit

Day 23

One Body, One Spirit

Day 24

Christ’s Gifts to the Church

Day 25

Equipping the Saints

Day 26

Maturity in Christ

Day 27

The Old Life vs. The New Life

Day 28

Putting On the New Self

Day 29

Imitating God’s Love

Day 30

Living as Children of Light

Day 31

The Armor of God


Day 1

Greeting and Introduction

Day 2

Thanksgiving for the Church

Day 3

Divisions in the Church

Day 4

Christ, the Power and Wisdom of God

Day 5

God’s Choice of the Lowly

Day 6

Paul’s Ministry Focused on Christ

Day 7

Spiritual Wisdom

Day 8

Divisions and Spiritual Immaturity

Day 9

Building on the Foundation of Christ

Day 10

The Temple of God

Day 11

Faithfulness as Stewards of God’s Mysteries

Day 12

The Apostles as Spectacles

Day 13

Paul's Warning and Example

Day 14

Dealing with Immorality in the Church

Day 15

The Need for Church Discipline

Day 16

Lawsuits Among Believers

Day 17

Inheriting the Kingdom of God

Day 18

Fleeing Sexual Immorality

Day 19

Principles of Marriage

Day 20

Guidance for Married Believers

Day 21

Remaining in Your Calling

Day 22

Concerning Food Sacrificed to Idols

Day 23

The Importance of Love in Exercising Freedom

Day 24

Paul’s Rights as an Apostle

Day 25

Paul’s Self-Discipline for the Gospel

Day 26

Warnings from Israel’s History

Day 27

Fleeing Idolatry

Day 28

The Way of Love


Day 1

The Genealogy of Jesus

Day 2

The Birth of Jesus Christ

Day 3

The Visit of the Wise Men

Day 4

The Escape to Egypt

Day 5

The Return to Nazareth

Day 6

John the Baptist Prepares the Way

Day 7

The Baptism of Jesus

Day 8

The Temptation of Jesus

Day 9

Jesus Begins His Ministry

Day 10

The Calling of the First Disciples

Day 11

The Beatitudes

Day 12

Salt and Light; Fulfillment of the Law

Day 13

Teaching on Anger and Lust

Day 14

Teaching on Divorce, Oaths, and Love for Enemies

Day 15

Teaching on Giving, Prayer, and the Lord's Prayer

Day 16

Teaching on Fasting and Treasures in Heaven

Day 17

Do Not Worry

Day 18

Judging Others; Ask, Seek, Knock

Day 19

The Narrow Gate; The Wise and Foolish Builders

Day 20

Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy and Others

Day 21

The Cost of Following Jesus; Calming the Storm

Day 22

Jesus Heals Two Demon-Possessed Men

Day 23

Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man; Calls Matthew

Day 24

Teaching on Fasting; Raising a Dead Girl and Healing a Sick Woman

Day 25

Jesus Heals the Blind and the Mute; Workers Are Few

Day 26

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve

Day 27

Persecution Will Come; Fear God, Not Man

Day 28

Not Peace but a Sword; Rewards

Day 29

Jesus and John the Baptist

Day 30

Woe to Unrepentant Cities; Rest for the Weary

Day 31

The Resurrection; The Great Commission

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